
学年: An "academic year" at 道成肉身的大学 is made up of 2, 15周的“学期”和2个夏季课程. 从技术上讲,学年从秋季学期的第一天开始,以春季开学和春季学期结束结束. The summer session periods are called "extended summer session" which lasts a total of 12 weeks. 夏季课程1和2各为6周. Note: UIW admits new students into all academic terms (Fall, Spring & Summer). 那些选择在夏季学期开始学术生涯的学生被计算在该年秋季班的一部分.

认证: 学院、大学和高中必须满足某些州或国家对学术课程的要求, teaching and facilities to be certified by accrediting agencies. 道成肉身的世界大学是由美国南方学院和学校协会的学院委员会认可的,授予协会, 学士学位, masters, 还有博士学位.

ACT: 美国大学考试计划. All first year students who apply to UIW are required to submit their ACT or SAT scores. UIW does not have a preference which test a student takes nor is there a minimum test score requirement. Note: Scores must be sent directly from the testing agency in order to be considered.

招生代表: Representative from the Office of Admissions who assists prospective students, applicants, parents and high school/transfer counselors through the admission process.

入学要求: In order to receive admission to a college or university, students must meet certain requirements. 这些可能包括平均绩点, ACT和/或SAT成绩, 能力测试结果, 具体的高中课程, 转学课程和GED成绩.

成人文凭: 没有从高中毕业的学生可以通过完成GED课程或成人高中文凭课程获得同等学位.

高级常务报告: 所有来自适当认证机构的大学水平的课程都将被评估,以确定该课程是否将被UIW接受为课程学分,以及该课程是否满足UIW的任何其他通识教育课程.

AP: 跳级. UIW evaluates Advanced Payment exam scores and articulates those scores for possible course credit, 通常在通识教育课程中. Students must score a minimum of 3 on advanced placement exams to receive college credit.

学士学位的核心: 作为一所文科院校, 通过创建核心课程,UIW为支持“自由”学习理念做出了深思熟虑和一致的努力. 没有道歉, we require all of our graduates to complete a Core rich in the liberal arts tradition, 以天主教传统为基础的, 并欣赏他人和其他文化. 我们也认识到,许多转到uw的学生已经完成了全部或大部分核心课程, 我们接受这些信用, 在适用情况下, 确保学生及时毕业. All students must complete the Core Curriculum requirements.

学士学位: 学士学位:学生成功完成4年或5年课程后由学院或大学授予的学位.

Catalog: A book produced by a college or university that has general information about classes, 入学要求, 学术项目, 还有学费和学位要求.

证书: A document given to a student after completing a course of study, 不能拿到文凭, certifying that they may officially practice in certain professions.

CLEP: 大学水平考试计划. 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)提供两种类型的考试——普通考试和科目考试, 可在各种学科. 令人满意的学分标准由大学各学科领域的教师设定,可能高于ACE的建议. CLEP考试在持续评估下,分数可能会根据评估期而变化. 访问uw测试服务网站.

College: 大学的组成单位, furnishing courses of instruction usually leading to a bachelor's degree.

确认费用: 已被录取并决定参加UIW的学生必须提交200美元的入学费,以在新生班预留一个名额. 此费用包括介绍费. Transfer students are required to pay a $100 matriculation fee to reserve a spot for the fall semester. You may pay by cash, check, money order, or credit card at uw的自助支付网站.

Call the Admissions Office at (210) 829-6005 if you have any questions.

出席费用: The cost of attendance is the average costs for a student's educational expenses for the year. This is the estimated total cost for the year includes: tuition, fees, room, 董事会和个人开支.

Credit: A college or university measures a student's progress toward a degree or certificate. Each credit hour is roughly equivalent to one hour of class time per week. 例如, 以获得uw的学士学位, a student must have successfully completed at least 120 credit hours.

Decision: 确定申请人的入学资格.


  • Admit: Offered a space (for a particular term) as a student at UIW. Student must continue to meet eligibility requirements as presented by the Office of Admissions.
  • Deny: Not eligible for admission to UIW given the current applicant pool.

双重登记: Simultaneous enrollment at UIW and a high school or community college.

FAFSA: 免费申请联邦学生资助 Fafsa.ed.gov.

联邦佩尔助学金联邦政府给予的联邦援助补助金. 助学金不需要偿还. Students apply by filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

联邦补贴贷款: Student financial aid that is processed by a bank or university. Loans must be repaid with interest after a student graduates or leaves college. 联邦补贴贷款的利息在学生毕业或离校后才开始累积. 学生通过填写FAFSA表格进行申请.

联邦无补贴贷款: 类似于补贴贷款, 但是,无论学生是否在学院或大学就读,从学生或家长贷款的时候开始付款和利息就开始产生了.

金融援助: Federal, state or private funds that assist a student in paying for college tuition and fees. 金融援助 comes in the forms of grants, loans and college work-study.

GED: General Education Diploma - an alternative to completing a high school diploma. 没有完成高中学业的个人可以通过官方成绩单在通识教育发展考试(GED)和高中课程中取得令人满意的成绩,从而有资格进入uw. 高中毕业两年以上的新生申请者和GED接受者不需要提交SAT或ACT成绩.

Joint Admissions Agreement with Alamo Community College District (ACCD): 该协议将增加在ACCD机构注册的学生完成学士学位的机会. Qualified students applying for admission to Palo Alto, St. Philips, 圣安东尼奥, or Northwest Vista have the option of simultaneously enrolling in the 道成肉身的大学. 该协议将促进将社区学院学分转移到uw,并鼓励学生在uw完成学士学位. For more information contact the Office of Admissions. 有兴趣在圣安东尼奥学院和圣道大学双重入学的学生也可以在位于1621 N的双重入学中心学习课程. Main. 详情请联系(210)223-5747.

基于需求的经济援助: 根据FAFSA确定的经济需求和财政援助办公室要求的任何其他验证材料颁发的经济援助.

非学位学生: 非学位注册状态是为希望上课但不打算攻读学位的学生设计的.

If non-degree seeking, an applicant to Graduate School must submit:

  • Evidence of an earned Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher learning
  • Official transcripts from each college or university previously attended. These transcripts must be mailed directly from the college or university to the Admissions Office.

不攻读学位的学生在正常评分制度下,可注册累计不超过9个学分的研究生课程. 持有硕士学位的学生,不希望以攻读学位的学生的身份申请入学,可按正常评分制度注册累计不超过12学时的研究生课程. Non-degree seeking students are expected to conform to graduate standards of scholarship. 在某些情况下, 如果学生后来获得研究生课程的录取,则在非学位申请状态和正常评分系统下获得的学分可以用于学位. 这些学分将被视为从其他机构转来的学分,并且必须得到项目顾问和研究生学习与研究主任的批准.

Non-degree seeking students may not be eligible for some forms of financial aid.

官方成绩单: 高中和/或大学课程和成绩的正式记录,必须在密封的信封中收到. All applications require an official high school transcript, 以及学生曾就读或完成课程的任何学院或大学的正式成绩单.

方向: Orientation is required for Freshmen and optional for 转学.

会有10美元.00 fee per parent or family member attending orientation. This fee is payable during the orientation check-in process. 由于安全规定和消防规定,我们要求您将陪同您的客人人数限制在2人以内.

先决条件: A course that must be in progress or completed before a student takes a more advanced course.


滚动招生: A school with rolling admissions considers each application at the time it is received. UIW operates on a Rolling Admissions cycle - with a complete application, 决定通常在两周内做出.

住宿费和伙食费:代表入学学生的住宿和膳食选择费用(校内)的美元金额. Room is the cost to live in a residence hall on campus, 伙食费是学校膳食计划的费用.

SAT: 学业能力倾向测验. All first year students who apply to UIW are required to submit their ACT or SAT scores. UIW does not have a preference which test a student takes nor is there a minimum test score requirement. Note: Scores must be sent directly from the testing agency in order to be considered.

Tuition: The cost of courses and fees taken at a college or university. This does not include room and board, which are separate expenses.

研究工作: Students must complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility for this program. Qualified students may work up to 20 hours per week on campus in a variety of work locations and settings. 工资因工种而异. 基金由联邦政府补贴.